The Olympusguys Blogger Group of male photo artists brings you the latest in the masculine image and lifestyle. Guys throughout the U.S. and the Southwest especially are here, everybody welcome to offer their views, ideas and pics, whether you're a pro with the camera, or eager amateur, or nudist group. Let's hear from you!

Olympus Guys Photo-Fitness Groups

Your online clearing house for exploring,

Creating and sharing the best in

Male Visual Art

Our Philosophy~

Give it a try!~

Male photographty~Give It a Try~

With the Lens


Gay Men Into Digital Photography~

Middle and Southern California,

And Beyond!

The Vistas of Your Creativity are Limitless!~

We're putting together a portfolio study of male nudes, and forming a circle of guys sharing a love of modeling, digital photo and video work, and computer graphics.

Maybe it's time to really express yourself!

Men's nudist groups, also, welcomed!

The outdoors can get a new lift~


Everyday things can really become special...

 As things advance, a website link will be forming for original artwork from the group, small classes started with hobbyists and vocational artists alike, and the sky's the limit!

 Many vogues to explore...

 The timeless tradition of Beefcake...


 The Gym scene is great~

 ... The Disciplined Jock...

 ..Symetrical and proud...

  ...And the pleasure that that often means!

Make your honest pride a shared joy!~

 ...A little updated, too...

 Physique Artists welcomed!~

 Aspiring Lensman: Let's get in touch!~

Show you can really rise to the occassion!~

All the potential's there---

  Men, think about sharing and being at your best...

Let's get ready to explore the best of the old.
and the best of the new~

 Keep in touch online, maybe meet up~

A Universe of Possibilities is in you~

 Painting with Light is beautiful!~

Contributions and Input From All Our Viewership Welcome~
Aspiring Photographers, Models, Physique Artists
Amateur Videography, Cinéma Vérité
Men's Nudist Venues, Groups

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